The Basics

DOLfYN data objects are built on xarray DataArrays combined into a single Dataset with attributes, or info about the data. Xarray can be thought of as a multidimensional extension of pandas, though it is not built on top of pandas. Datasets and DataArrays support all of the same basic functionality of dictionaries (e.g., indexing, iterating, etc.), with additional functionality that is designed to streamline the process of analyzing and working with data.

Reading Source Datafiles

To begin, we load the DOLfYN module and read a data file:

>> import dolfyn as dlfn
>> dat =<path/to/my_data_file>)

DOLfYN’s read function supports reading Nortek and TRDI binary data files straight from the ADCP or from the manufacturer’s processing software (e.g. TRDI’s WinADCP, VMDAS, or WinRiver).

In an interactive shell, typing the variable name followed by enter/return will display information about the dataset, e.g.:

>> dat = dlfn.read_example('AWAC_test01.wpr')
>> dat
Dimensions:              (range: 20, time: 9997, beam: 3, dir: 3, x*: 3, earth: 3, inst: 3)
  * range                (range) float32 1.41 2.41 3.41 ... 18.41 19.41 20.41
  * time                 (time) datetime64[ns] 2012-06-12T12:00:00 ... 2012-0...
  * beam                 (beam) int32 1 2 3
  * dir                  (dir) <U1 'E' 'N' 'U'
  * x*                   (x*) int32 1 2 3
  * earth                (earth) <U1 'E' 'N' 'U'
  * inst                 (inst) <U1 'X' 'Y' 'Z'
Data variables:
  beam2inst_orientmat  (beam, x*) float64 1.577 -0.7891 ... 0.3677 0.3677
  error                (time) uint16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  batt                 (time) float32 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 ... 13.4 13.4 13.4
  c_sound              (time) float32 1.489e+03 1.489e+03 ... 1.512e+03
  heading              (time) float32 119.3 119.4 119.7 ... 128.7 128.9 129.0
  pitch                (time) float32 6.55e+03 6.55e+03 ... 6.552e+03
  pressure             (time) float32 16.03 16.01 16.02 ... 0.042 0.032 0.038
  status               (time) float32 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 ... 48.0 48.0 48.0
  temp                 (time) float32 11.49 11.49 11.48 ... 18.72 18.72 18.72
  vel                  (dir, range, time) float64 -0.6648 -0.655 ... 0.645
  amp                  (beam, range, time) uint8 146 147 144 150 ... 25 25 25
  orientmat            (earth, inst, time) float64 0.3026 0.2995 ... 0.3123
  config:                    {'ProLogID': 156, 'ProLogFWver': '4.06', 'conf...
  inst_make:                 Nortek
  inst_model:                AWAC
  inst_type:                 ADCP
  SerialNum:                 WPR 1549
  Comments:                  AWAC on APL-UW Tidal Turbulence Mooring at Adm...
  has_imu:                   0
  cell_size:                 1.0
  blank_dist:                0.41
  latlon:                    [39.9402, -105.2283]
  declination:               8.28
  declination_in_orientmat:  1

This view reveals all the data stored within the xarray Dataset. There are four types of data displyed here: data variables, coordinates, dimensions and attributes.

  • Data variables contain the main information stored as xarray DataArrays:

>> dat.vel
<xarray.DataArray 'vel' (dir: 3, range: 20, time: 9997)>
array([[[-0.66479734, -0.65496222, -0.69909159, ...,  1.90351055,
    1.94648366,  1.91131579],
  [-0.53663862, -0.56178903, -0.76993938, ...,  0.67961291,
    6.46099706, -0.3679769 ],
  [-0.63192198, -0.63142786, -0.52826604, ..., -0.0844491 ,
    2.69917045, -0.69253631],
  [-0.90170625, -0.85587418, -0.48779671, ...,  3.71806074,
    0.63299628,  1.34105901],
  [-0.73322984, -0.66709612, -0.46033165, ..., -1.68639582,
    0.31451557,  2.93691549],
  [-0.90169828, -0.68338529, -0.57451738, ..., -2.77793829,
    2.43313374, -0.98629605]],
   [[-0.11800002, -0.06400001,  0.13500002, ...,  1.483     ,
    1.49100016,  1.50800014],
  [-0.17100002, -0.18900001,  0.029     , ...,  0.86300005,
   -0.95699996,  0.14500003],
  [-0.08900001, -0.21400001,  0.016     , ..., -1.54799992,
    1.6550002 , -0.82600006],
  [ 0.05099999, -0.12099999,  0.22100003, ..., -0.78300005,
    0.7650001 ,  0.164     ],
  [-0.05500002, -0.17199998,  0.152     , ..., -0.93699997,
    1.22200003, -0.87500013],
  [ 0.05099998, -0.146     ,  0.16600001, ..., -1.09600008,
    0.49300008,  0.64500009]]])
  * range    (range) float32 1.41 2.41 3.41 4.41 ... 17.41 18.41 19.41 20.41
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2012-06-12T12:00:00 ... 2012-06-12T14:46:36
  * dir      (dir) <U1 'E' 'N' 'U'
  units:    m/s
  • Coordinates are arrays that contain the indices/labels/values of the data variables’ dimensions, e.g. time, latitude, or longitude:

>> dat.time
<xarray.DataArray 'time' (time: 9997)>
array(['2012-06-12T12:00:00.000000000', '2012-06-12T12:00:01.000000000',
  '2012-06-12T12:00:02.000000000', ..., '2012-06-12T14:46:34.000000000',
  '2012-06-12T14:46:35.000000000', '2012-06-12T14:46:36.000000000'],
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2012-06-12T12:00:00 ... 2012-06-12T14:46:36
  • Dimensions are simply the names of the coordinate arrays

  • Attributes can be thought of as comments, or information that provides insight into the data variables, and must be floats, strings or arrays. DOLfYN uses attributes to store information on coordinate rotations.

Data variables and coordinates can be accessed using dict-style syntax, or attribute-style syntax. For example:

>> dat['range']
<xarray.DataArray 'range' (range: 20)>
array([ 1.41,  2.41,  3.41,  4.41,  5.41,  6.41,  7.41,  8.41,  9.41, 10.41,
  11.41, 12.41, 13.41, 14.41, 15.41, 16.41, 17.41, 18.41, 19.41, 20.41],
  * range    (range) float32 1.41 2.41 3.41 4.41 ... 17.41 18.41 19.41 20.41
  units:    m

>> dat.amp[0]
<xarray.DataArray 'amp' (range: 20, time: 9997)>
array([[146, 147, 144, ...,  38,  38,  38],
  [136, 135, 136, ...,  25,  25,  25],
  [130, 129, 132, ...,  25,  24,  25],
  [ 89,  96,  88, ...,  23,  22,  23],
  [ 77,  82,  84, ...,  23,  23,  23],
  [ 61,  49,  58, ...,  23,  22,  23]], dtype=uint8)
* range    (range) float32 1.41 2.41 3.41 4.41 ... 17.41 18.41 19.41 20.41
* time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2012-06-12T12:00:00 ... 2012-06-12T14:46:36
  beam     int32 1
  units:    counts

Dataset/DataArray attributes can be accessed as follows:

>> dat.blank_dist

>> dat.attrs['fs']

Note here that the display information includes the size of each array, it’s coordinates and attributes. Active DataArray coordinates are signified with a ‘*’. The units of most variables are in the MKS system (e.g., velocity is in m/s), and angles are in degrees. Units are saved in relevant DataArrays as attributes; see the Metadata section for a complete list of the units of DOLfYN variables.

Subsetting Data

Xarray has its own built-in methods for selecting data.

A section of data can be extracted to a new Dataset or DataArray using .isel, .sel and/or with python’s built-in slice function, for example:

# Returns a new DataArray containing data from 0 to 5 m.
>> datsub = dat.vel.sel(range=slice(0,5))

# Returns velocity in 'streamwise' direction
>> datsub = dat.vel.sel(orient='streamwise')

# Returns a new DataArray with the first 1000 indices (timesteps) from the original DataArray
>> datsub = dat.vel.isel(time=slice(0,1000))

Data Analysis Tools

Analysis in DOLfYN is primarily set up to work through two API’s (Advanced Programming Interfaces): the ADCP Module and the ADV Module, each of which contain functions that pertain to ADCP and ADV instruments, respectively. Functions and classes that pertain to both can be accessed from the main package import. See the DOLfYN API for further detail.

The DOLfYN view

In addition to working with xarray datasets directly, as described above DOLfYN also provides an alternate DOLfYN view into the data. This is accessed by:

>> dat_dolfyn = dat.velds

This view has several convenience methods, shortcuts, and functions built-in. It includes an alternate – and somewhat more informative/compact – description of the data object when in interactive mode:

>> dat_dolfyn
<ADCP data object>:  Nortek AWAC
  . 2.78 hours (started: Jun 12, 2012 12:00)
  . earth-frame
  . (9997 pings @ 1.0Hz)
  - time ('time',)
  - vel ('dir', 'range', 'time')
  - range ('range',)
  - orientmat ('earth', 'inst', 'time')
  - heading ('time',)
  - pitch ('time',)
  - roll ('time',)
  - temp ('time',)
  - pressure ('time',)
  - amp ('beam', 'range', 'time')
  ... and others (see `<obj>.variables`)

The variables in the dataset can be accessed using standard dictionary (key/item) syntax:

>> dat_dolfyn['time']
<xarray.DataArray 'time' (time: 9997)>
array(['2012-06-12T12:00:00.000000000', '2012-06-12T12:00:01.000000000',
       '2012-06-12T12:00:02.000000000', ..., '2012-06-12T14:46:34.000000000',
       '2012-06-12T14:46:35.000000000', '2012-06-12T14:46:36.000000000'],
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2012-06-12T12:00:00 ... 2012-06-12T14:46:36

But trying to accessing variables using attribute syntax (dat_dolfyn.time) is not supported (returns AttributeError). However, we do include several shortcuts that utilize attribute syntax. The full list of dolfyn-view convenience methods and properties/shortcuts can be found in dolfyn.velocity.Velocity.