Data Structure

DOLfYN data objects are built on (subclasses of) pyDictH5 data objects, which are themselves subclasses of Python dictionaries. As such, these objects support all of the same basic functionality of dictionaries (e.g., indexing, iterating, etc.), with additional functionality that is designed to streamline the process of analyzing and working with data. Most notably, these data objects provide:

  • a summarized view of the data structure when in interactive mode:

    >>> dat
    <ADV data object>
      . 1.05 hours (started: Jun 12, 2012 12:00)
      . INST-frame
      . (120530 pings @ 32Hz)
      | mpltime                  : <time_array; (120530,); float64>
      | vel                      : <array; (3, 120530); float32>
      + config                   : + DATA GROUP
      + env                      : + DATA GROUP
      + orient                   : + DATA GROUP
      + props                    : + DATA GROUP
      + signal                   : + DATA GROUP
      + sys                      : + DATA GROUP
  • attribute-style syntax (dat.vel is equivalent to dat['vel'])

  • direct access of items within sub-groups (dat['env.temp'] works, and 'env.temp' in dat evaluates to True)

See the pyDictH5 README for additional details.

Data Description and Units

DOLfYN generally uses the *MKS* system, with most angles in degrees.

Table 1: The units of common variables found in DOLfYN data objects.
Name Units Group Description/Notes
mpltime matplotlib date format The time data
vel m/s The velocity vector data
range m The distance from the ADP head
depth_m m The depth of the ADP
c_sound m/s env The speed of sound used in velocity calculations.
press / pressure dbar? env pressure measured by the instrument
temp degrees Celsius env The temperature measured by the instrument.
accel m/s2 orient The vector acceleraton of the instrument
angrt rad/s orient The angular rotation rate of the instrument
mag ??? orient The magnetometer data.
velraw m/s The velocity without motion-correction.
velrot m/s orient The rotational motion velocity (computed from angrt).
velacc m/s orient The translational motion velocity (computed from accel).
acclow m/s2 orient The low-pass filtered acceleration signal.
heading degrees orient The instrument heading* (clockwise from North)
pitch degrees orient The instrument pitch*
roll degrees orient The instrument roll*
orientmat orient The instrument’s orientation matrix in the earth reference frame
amp ??? signal The acoustic signal return amplitude
corr percent signal correlation between the send and receive pings.
ambig_vel m/s sys The ambiguity velocity*
batt_V / batt voltage sys The battery voltage
ensemble sys The ensemble counter
error sys The instrument error code*
status sys The instrument status code*
temp_clock degrees C? sys The instruments clock temperature
temp_mag degrees C? sys The instruments magnetometer temperature
temp_press degrees C? sys The instruments pressure sensor temperature
tke_vec m2/s2 Variance of velocity components (0: uu, 1: vv, 2: ww)
stress m2/s2 The Reynolds stress array (0: uv, 1: uw, 2: vw)
sigma_Uh m/s Standard deviation of horizontal velocity magnitude
epsilon m2/s3 Turbulence dissipation rate
Spec <variables units>2/(rad/s) A data group containing spectra of variables above.
omega rad/s Spec Radial frequency.

Data Shortcuts (properties)

In addition to the data items listed above, DOLfYN data objects also contain shortcuts to tools and other variables that can be obtained from simple operations of its data items. These attributes aren’t listed in the view of the data shown above. Instead, to see the variables that are available as shortcuts for a particular data object, take a look at the dat.shortcuts property (new in DOLfYN 0.10.1).

Table 3: Notes on common shorcuts found in DOLfYN data objects.
Name units Description/Notes
shape the shape of dat.u (see below)
n_time the length of dat['mpltime']
u m/s dat['vel'][0]
v m/s dat['vel'][1]
w m/s dat['vel'][2]
U m/s the horizontal velocity as a complex quantity (dat.u + 1j * dat.v)
U_mag m/s the magnitude of the horizontal velocity
U_angle radians the direction of the horizontal velocity (counter-clockwise from East, X, or streamwise direction, depending on coordinate system)
subset a tool for indexing a subset of the data object
tauij m2/s2 the Reynold’s stress tensor
tke m2/s2 the turbulent kinetic energy (half the sum of the data in ‘tke_vec’)
upup_ m2/s2 dat['tke_vec'][0]
vpvp_ m2/s2 dat['tke_vec'][1]
wpwp_ m2/s2 dat['tke_vec'][2]
upvp_ m2/s2 dat['stress'][0]
upwp_ m2/s2 dat['stress'][1]
vpwp_ m2/s2 dat['stress'][2]
Ecoh m2/s2 Coherent turbulent kinetic energy (root-sum-square of Reynold’s stresses)
I Ratio of sigma_Uh to horizontal velocity magnitude
Itke Ratio of sqrt(2*tke) to horizontal velocity magnitude

Important Note: The items listed in Table 3 are not stored in the data object but are provided as attributes (shortcuts) to DOLfYN data objects.

User Meta-Data (dat.props)

The props data-group of DOLfYN data objects is a place for user-specified meta-data and DOLfYN-specific implementation data. The most common variables found here are described in Table 2.

Table 2: The entries in dat.props that are used in DOLfYN.
Name Description/Notes
fs* This is the sample rate of the instrument [Hz]
coord_sys* The coordinate system of the data object. When a data object is rotated to a new coordinate system using the dat.rotate2() method, the value of dat.props['coord_sys'] is updated to reflect the final coordinate system. Valid values are: beam, inst, earth, and principal. For further details on these coordinate systems see the Rotations and Coordinate Systems section.
rotate_vars* The variables in the data object that should be rotated when rotating the data object.
declination* The magnetic declination where the measurements were made (in degrees that magnetic North is right of True North). Set this value using dat.set_declination(<value>).
declination_in_heading* A boolean specifying whether the heading includes the declination. If this is True, then the earth coordinate system is True (i.e., v is velocity toward True North).
declination_in_orientmat* A boolean specifying whether the orient.orientmat includes the declination. If this is True, then the earth coordinate system is True (i.e., v is velocity toward True North).
principal_heading The heading of the +u direction for the ‘principal’ coordinate system [degrees clockwise from north].
has imu* A boolean indicating whether the instrument has an inertial motion sensor/unit.
inst_make* The manufacturer name.
inst_model* The instrument model.
DutyCycle_NBurst* The number of pings in a burst.
DutyCycle_NCycle* The time – in number of pings – before the next burst starts. (this may be incorrect for some instrument types, please report issues)
body2head_vec The vector from the center of the ADV body reference frame to the center of the head’s reference frame, in coordinates of the body reference frame. For ADPs this is always zero because the two coordinate systems are centered at the same place.
body2head_rotmat The rotation matrix that rotates vectors from the instrument body reference-frame to the head reference-frame. For ADPs this is always the identity matrix. Valid values are: 3-by-3 valid rotation matrices, or: 'eye', 'identity', or 1 all of which specify that it is the identity matrix. This is typically used for cable-head ADVs where the ADV head is not oriented the same as the ADV body.
motion accel_filtfreq Hz The filter-frequency for the computing translational motion from the acceleration signal of an IMU. This is only used for motion correction. This high-pass filter is applied prior to integrating acceleration. This value is only used if when accel_filtfreq is not explicitly specified when motion-correcting
motion vel_filtfreq Hz The filter-frequency for the computing translational motion from the acceleration signal of an IMU. This is only used for motion correction. This high-pass filter is applied after integrating acceleration. This value is only used if when vel_filtfreq is not explicitly specified when motion-correcting.
lonlat† The location of the measurements in decimal degrees. Longitude is positive west of the prime-meridian, and latitude is positive North of the equator.

*: These entries are set by DOLfYN, and should not - in general - be set or changed by the user.

†: These entries are not used or set by DOLfYN, but they are useful measurement meta-data and are listed here to assist in standardizing the location and format of this information.

Specify meta-data in a JSON file

The values in dat.props can also be set in a json file, <data_filename>.userdata.json, containing a single json-object. For example, the contents of these files should look something like:

{"body2head_rotmat": "identity",
 "body2head_vec": [-1.0, 0.5, 0.2],
 "motion accel_filtfreq Hz": 0.03,
 "declination": 8.28,
 "lonlat": [-105.2283, 39.9402]

Prior to reading a binary data file my_data.VEC, you can create a my_data.userdata.json file. Then when you do'my_data.VEC'), DOLfYN will read the contents of my_data.userdata.json and include that information in the dat.props attribute of the returned data object. This feature is provided so that meta-data can live alongside your binary data files.