Download and Install

DOLfYN can be installed using pip:

$ pip install dolfyn

If you want to download the source code locally so that you can modify it, you can clone the repository:

$ git clone <download_location>

And then use pip to install it as an ‘editable’ package:

$ cd <download_location>
$ pip install -e ./

Data Files and Test Files

DOLfYN has several moderately large (a few MB each) binary data files included with the repo. These are example data files, and test-data files used to confirm that the repository is functioning correctly. In order to keep the size of the source repository minimal, these data files are actually stored using GitHub’s git-lfs tools.

This means that if you want to be able to load these example data files, or run the tests, you will need to install git-lfs. If you cloned the repository prior to installing git-lfs, run the command git lfs fetch after installing git-lfs to pull the files.


The DOLfYN developers are slowly building a collection of unit-tests using the Nose testing framework. Currently the unit-tests are all housed in the test/ folder (including the data files). To run the tests, you’ll need to install Nose, then open a command prompt and run:

$ nosetests

If any of the tests do not pass, first confirm that you have installed all of the dependencies correctly, including git-lfs, then check to see if others are having a similar issue before creating a new one.


  • DOLfYN was developed in Python 2.7, and has recently been updated to work under Python 3. All of the existing unit tests work in Python 3.5.2, but this testing is limited to a subset of the code and so there may still be lingering 2 to 3 conversion issues. If you encounter problems with Python 3 have a look at the issues page and potentially submit a new one (be sure to indicate that you are using Python 3).
  • Numpy >=1.6.
  • h5py
  • SciPy.