Source code for dolfyn.rotate.api

from . import vector as r_vec
from . import awac as r_awac
from . import signature as r_sig
from . import rdi as r_rdi
from .base import _make_model
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import warnings

# The 'rotation chain'
rc = ['beam', 'inst', 'earth', 'principal']

rot_module_dict = {
    # Nortek instruments
    'vector': r_vec,
    'awac': r_awac,
    'signature': r_sig,
    'ad2cp': r_sig,

    # TRDI instruments
    'rdi': r_rdi}

[docs] def rotate2(ds, out_frame='earth', inplace=True): """Rotate a dataset to a new coordinate system. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset The dolfyn dataset (ADV or ADCP) to rotate. out_frame : string {'beam', 'inst', 'earth', 'principal'} The coordinate system to rotate the data into. inplace : bool (default: True) When True ``ds`` is modified. When False a copy is returned. Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset or None Returns a new rotated dataset **when ``inplace=False``**, otherwise returns None. Notes ----- - This function rotates all variables in ``ds.attrs['rotate_vars']``. - In order to rotate to the 'principal' frame, a value should exist for ``ds.attrs['principal_heading']``. The function :func:`calc_principal_heading <dolfyn.calc_principal_heading>` is recommended for this purpose, e.g.: ds.attrs['principal_heading'] = dolfyn.calc_principal_heading(ds['vel'].mean(range)) where here we are using the depth-averaged velocity to calculate the principal direction. """ # Create and return deep copy if not writing "in place" if not inplace: ds = ds.copy(deep=True) csin = ds.coord_sys.lower() if csin == 'ship': csin = 'inst' # Returns True/False if head2inst_rotmat has been set/not-set. r_vec._check_inst2head_rotmat(ds) if out_frame == 'principal' and csin != 'earth': warnings.warn( "You are attempting to rotate into the 'principal' " "coordinate system, but the dataset is in the {} " "coordinate system. Be sure that 'principal_heading' is " "defined based on the earth coordinate system.".format(csin)) rmod = None for ky in rot_module_dict: if ky in _make_model(ds): rmod = rot_module_dict[ky] break if rmod is None: raise ValueError("Rotations are not defined for " "instrument '{}'.".format(_make_model(ds))) # Get the 'indices' of the rotation chain try: iframe_in = rc.index(csin) except ValueError: raise Exception("The coordinate system of the input " "dataset, '{}', is invalid." .format(ds.coord_sys)) try: iframe_out = rc.index(out_frame.lower()) except ValueError: raise Exception("The specified output coordinate system " "is invalid, please select one of: 'beam', 'inst', " "'earth', 'principal'.") if iframe_out == iframe_in: print("Data is already in the {} coordinate system".format(out_frame)) if iframe_out > iframe_in: reverse = False else: reverse = True while ds.coord_sys.lower() != out_frame.lower(): csin = ds.coord_sys if csin == 'ship': csin = 'inst' inow = rc.index(csin) if reverse: func = getattr(rmod, '_' + rc[inow - 1] + '2' + rc[inow]) else: func = getattr(rmod, '_' + rc[inow] + '2' + rc[inow + 1]) ds = func(ds, reverse=reverse) if not inplace: return ds
[docs] def calc_principal_heading(vel, tidal_mode=True): """Compute the principal angle of the horizontal velocity. Parameters ---------- vel : np.ndarray (2,...,Nt), or (3,...,Nt) The 2D or 3D velocity array (3rd-dim is ignored in this calculation) tidal_mode : bool (default: True) If true, range is set from 0 to +/-180 degrees. If false, range is 0 to 360 degrees Returns ------- p_heading : float or ndarray The principal heading in degrees clockwise from North. Notes ----- When tidal_mode=True, this tool calculates the heading that is aligned with the bidirectional flow. It does so following these steps: 1. rotates vectors with negative velocity by 180 degrees 2. then doubles those angles to make a complete circle again 3. computes a mean direction from this, and halves that angle (to undo the doubled-angles in step 2) 4. The returned angle is forced to be between 0 and 180. So, you may need to add 180 to this if you want your positive direction to be in the western-half of the plane. Otherwise, this function simply computes the average direction using a vector method. """ dt = vel[0] + vel[1] * 1j if tidal_mode: # Flip all vectors that are below the x-axis dt[dt.imag <= 0] *= -1 # Now double the angle, so that angles near pi and 0 get averaged # together correctly: dt *= np.exp(1j * np.angle(dt)) dt = # Divide the angle by 2 to remove the doubling done on the previous # line. pang = np.angle( np.nanmean(dt, -1, dtype=np.complex128)) / 2 else: pang = np.angle(np.nanmean(dt, -1)) return np.round((90 - np.rad2deg(pang)), decimals=4)
[docs] def set_declination(ds, declin, inplace=True): """Set the magnetic declination Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset or :class:`dolfyn.velocity.Velocity` The input dataset or velocity class declination : float The value of the magnetic declination in degrees (positive values specify that Magnetic North is clockwise from True North) inplace : bool (default: True) When True ``ds`` is modified. When False a copy is returned. Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset or None Returns a new dataset with declination set **when ``inplace=False``**, otherwise returns None. Notes ----- This function modifies the data object in the following ways: - If the dataset is in the *earth* reference frame at the time of setting declination, it will be rotated into the "*True-East*, *True-North*, Up" (hereafter, ETU) coordinate system - ``dat['orientmat']`` is modified to be an ETU to instrument (XYZ) rotation matrix (rather than the magnetic-ENU to XYZ rotation matrix). Therefore, all rotations to/from the 'earth' frame will now be to/from this ETU coordinate system. - The value of the specified declination will be stored in ``dat.attrs['declination']`` - ``dat['heading']`` is adjusted for declination (i.e., it is relative to True North). - If ``dat.attrs['principal_heading']`` is set, it is adjusted to account for the orientation of the new 'True' earth coordinate system (i.e., calling set_declination on a data object in the principal coordinate system, then calling dat.rotate2('earth') will yield a data object in the new 'True' earth coordinate system) """ # Create and return deep copy if not writing "in place" if not inplace: ds = ds.copy(deep=True) if 'declination' in ds.attrs: angle = declin - ds.attrs.pop('declination') else: angle = declin cd = np.cos(-np.deg2rad(angle)) sd = np.sin(-np.deg2rad(angle)) # The ordering is funny here because orientmat is the # transpose of the inst->earth rotation matrix: Rdec = np.array([[cd, -sd, 0], [sd, cd, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) if ds.coord_sys == 'earth': rotate2earth = True rotate2(ds, 'inst', inplace=True) else: rotate2earth = False ds['orientmat'].values = np.einsum('kj...,ij->ki...', ds['orientmat'].values, Rdec, ) if 'heading' in ds: ds['heading'] += angle if rotate2earth: rotate2(ds, 'earth', inplace=True) if 'principal_heading' in ds.attrs: ds.attrs['principal_heading'] += angle ds.attrs['declination'] = declin ds.attrs['declination_in_orientmat'] = 1 # logical if not inplace: return ds
[docs] def set_inst2head_rotmat(ds, rotmat, inplace=True): """Set the instrument to head rotation matrix for the Nortek ADV if it hasn't already been set through a '.userdata.json' file. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset The data set to assign inst2head_rotmat rotmat : float 3x3 rotation matrix inplace : bool (default: True) When True ``ds`` is modified. When False a copy is returned. Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset or None Returns a new dataset with inst2head_rotmat set **when ``inplace=False``**, otherwise returns None. Notes ----- If the data object is in earth or principal coords, it is first rotated to 'inst' before assigning inst2head_rotmat, it is then rotated back to the coordinate system in which it was input. This way the inst2head_rotmat gets applied correctly (in inst coordinate system). """ # Create and return deep copy if not writing "in place" if not inplace: ds = ds.copy(deep=True) if not ds.inst_model.lower() == 'vector': raise Exception("Setting 'inst2head_rotmat' is only supported " "for Nortek Vector ADVs.") if ds.get('inst2head_rotmat', None) is not None: raise Exception( "You are setting 'inst2head_rotmat' after it has already " "been set. You can only set it once.") csin = ds.coord_sys if csin not in ['inst', 'beam']: rotate2(ds, 'inst', inplace=True) ds['inst2head_rotmat'] = xr.DataArray(np.array(rotmat), dims=['x', 'x*'], coords={'x': [1, 2, 3], 'x*': [1, 2, 3]}) ds.attrs['inst2head_rotmat_was_set'] = 1 # logical # Note that there is no validation that the user doesn't # change `ds.attrs['inst2head_rotmat']` after calling this # function. if not csin == 'beam': # csin not 'beam', then we're in inst ds = r_vec._rotate_inst2head(ds) if csin not in ['inst', 'beam']: rotate2(ds, csin, inplace=True) if not inplace: return ds